
SFTPGo source code is licensed under GNU AGPL-3.0-only.

The theme used in WebAdmin and WebClient user interfaces is proprietary, this means:

  • KeenThemes HTML/CSS/JS components are allowed for use only within the SFTPGo product and restricted to be used in a resealable HTML template that can compete with KeenThemes products anyhow.
  • The SFTPGo WebAdmin and WebClient user interfaces (HTML, CSS and JS components) based on this theme and/or individual components and/or parts thereof are allowed for use only within the SFTPGo product, they cannot be used in derivative works/products without an explicit grant from the SFTPGo Team.

Licensing FAQs

These FAQs try to clarify some common questions we receive. For the exact legal term about the SFTPGo license please refer to the AGPLv3 license text.

If you use SFTPGo as is, without any modifications except the customizations allowed by SFTPGo itself without changing its source code:

  1. If it is clear to your users they are accessing to SFTPGo, you have basically no obligations because proper attribution is already given and your users can download the source code for the SFTPGo version they are using from our GitHub repository.
  2. If you include SFTPGo as a separate application that communicates via REST API in your SaaS (or any other integration), your SaaS will be a derivative work, and therefore you must release its source code under the same SFTPGo license, if tightly coupled with SFTPGo itself and form a single combined work. The analysis of whether they are a single work or an aggregate is unchanged by the involvement of containers.
  3. If your users use SFTPGo through your frontend you have to make clear they are using SFTPGo under the hood and the exact version they are using so they can download the matching source code from our GitHub repository.

If you modify SFTPGo's source code and are therefore creating a derivative work:

  1. your modified version must prominently offer all users interacting with it remotely through a computer network an opportunity to receive the Corresponding Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
  2. If you use your derivative work, as a separate application that communicates via REST API, in your SaaS (or any other integration), your SaaS will be a derivative work, and therefore you must release its source code under the same SFTPGo license, if tightly coupled with SFTPGo itself and form a single combined work. The analysis of whether they are a single work or an aggregate is unchanged by the involvement of containers.
  3. You cannot use the UI theme based on KeenThemes because it is based on a proprietary theme that we purchased and the WebAdmin and WebClient components created using this theme can only be used only within SFTPGo and not in derivative works. You must develop and maintain your own UI components or adapt the WebAdmin/WebClient included in SFTPGo up to version 2.5.6.
  4. Your derivative work cannot use the SFTPGo trademark, see the Trademark Policy below for further details.

If you include all or part of the SFTPGo source code (for which you aren't the copyright owner), as-is or modified, or directly link SFTPGo into your application, as-is or modified, then your application must be released under the same license. For exact legal details about what linking/including means refer to the AGPLv3 license text.

Trademark Policy

SFTPGo trademark needs to be used in a way consistent with trademark law, and that is why we have prepared this policy – to help you understand what is allowed or required when using our software.

We have written this trademark policy with the following goals in mind:

  • We want to make it easy for anyone to use the SFTPGo name for community-oriented efforts that help spread and improve SFTPGo.
  • We want to make hard for anyone to use the SFTPGo name to trick or confuse people who are looking for official SFTPGo resources.

Any use of the SFTPGo trademark must be in accordance with our policy. Any use that does not comply with SFTPGo trademark policy or does not have written authorisation from the SFTPGo Team is not authorised.

Your use of SFTPGo's trademark must always be non-confusing. People should always know who they are dealing with, and where the software they are using came from. Websites and software that are not produced or officially authorized by SFTPGo team shouldn't imply, either directly or by omission, that they are.

Software Distributions of Unaltered Binaries

You can distribute unchanged official binaries downloaded from or Docker images pulled from or to anyone in any way subject to governing law, relevant terms of the license, without receiving any further permission from the SFTPGo team. However, you must not remove or change the SFTPGo trademark. On your website or in other materials, you may truthfully state that the software you are providing is an unmodified version of SFTPGo, keeping in mind the overall guidelines for the use of SFTPGo trademarks detailed in this policy document. We suggest that, if you choose to provide visitors to your website the opportunity to download SFTPGo binaries, you do so by means of a link to our site, to help ensure faster, more reliable downloads.

If you are using the SFTPGo trademark for the unaltered binaries you are distributing, you may not charge for that product. By not charging, we mean the SFTPGo product must be without cost and its distribution (whether by download or any other way) may not be subject to a fee, or tied to subscribing to or purchasing a service, or the collection of personal information. If you want to sell the product, you may do so, but you must call that product by another name—one unrelated to SFTPGo (see the following section about "Modifications").


If you modify the SFTPGo code subject to the Open Source license terms or the default configuration you cannot redistribute your modifications using the SFTPGo trademark. For example, it would be inappropriate for your products or website to say "based on SFTPGo". Instead, in the interest of complete accuracy, you should describe it as "incorporating SFTPGo source code." You must also change the name of the products and binaries so as to reduce the chance that a user of the modified software will be misled into believing it to be a native SFTPGo or affiliated with the SFTPGo project.

Domain Names

If you want to include all or part of the SFTPGo trademark in a domain name, you have to receive written permission from the SFTPGo Team. Almost any use of the SFTPGo trademark in a domain name is likely to confuse consumers, thus running afoul of the overarching requirement that any use of the SFTPGo trademark be non-confusing.

Advertising and marketing materials

If you offer services related to SFTPGo like training or support, you can use the SFTPGo trademark in describing and advertising your services, so long as you don't violate these overall guidelines for the use of the SFTPGo trademark or do anything that might mislead customers into thinking that the SFTPGo project has any direct relationship with your organization. You must link to the SFTPGo website so prospective customers can appreciate the difference and make an informed decision. For this, you can state something like "This service is not backed by the SFTPGo team" in a style that fits with the rest of the page where you describe your service or pricing.

Your description, advertisement or other use must not include content that could be construed as distasteful, offensive or controversial and contains only content suitable for all age groups.


  1. You cannot use the SFTPGo trademark in anything that you produce commercially.
  2. You cannot modify SFTPGo trademark, abbreviate it, or combine it with any other symbols, words, or images, or incorporate it into a tagline or slogan.
  3. You cannot use SFTPGo trademark in a way that incorrectly implies affiliation with, or sponsorship, endorsement, or approval by the SFTPGo team of your products or services.
  4. You cannot use SFTPGo trademark for any form of commercial use unless such use is limited to a truthful and descriptive reference.
  5. You cannot use SFTPGo trademark in the name and handle of your social media account.
  6. You may modify SFTPGo software subject to the Open Source license terms but cannot redistribute your modifications under the SFTPGo trademark.
  7. You may not imply that you are providing a class or quality of SFTPGo (e.g., "enterprise-class" or "commercial quality" or "fully managed") in a way that implies SFTPGo is not of that class, grade or quality, nor that other parties are not of that class, grade, or quality.
  8. You may not make false or misleading statements regarding the service you provide (e.g., "we wrote the majority of the code" or "we are major contributors" or "we are committers").

How Should You Use Our Trademark

  1. Proper Form. SFTPGo's trademark should be used in its exact form -- neither abbreviated nor combined with any other word or words.
  2. Accompanying Symbol. The first or most prominent mention of the SFTPGo trademark should be accompanied by a symbol indicating whether the mark is a registered trademark ("®") or an unregistered trademark ("™").
  3. Attribution Notice. The following notice should appear somewhere nearby (at least on the same page) the use of the SFTPGo trademark: "SFTPGo is a ["registered", if applicable] trademark of Nicola Murino".
  4. Distinguishable. The Trademark should be set apart from surrounding text, either by capitalizing it or by italicizing, bolding or underlining it.

Reporting Trademark Abuse

If you happen to know about a SFTPGo trademark abuse all you have to do is fill out the relevant information via email to The more information you supply when you file the report, the easier it is for us to evaluate and respond appropriately.


We have tried to make this trademark policy as comprehensive as possible. If you are considering a use of the SFTPGo trademark that is not covered by the policy, and you are unsure whether that use would run afoul of SFTPGo's guidelines, please contact us at

If we determine at any time, in our sole discretion, that your use of our trademark violates this Policy, we may revoke permission for your usage, and you must immediately cease all use of the trademark.

This policy may be updated from time to time. Please refer to this page for all updates.